
How I Got Rid Of My Enemies, Wrote My Way To The Light And Was Filled With Blessings and Guidance.

This week I want to share several helpful perspectives, which may not seem related but I promise to tie them all together before this post is over.

Each one of these 5 points is worthy of a full post and they may receive that attention in the next few weeks. For now though, I will share these ideas so you can immediately explore what they have to offer:

1.         There are no enemies. The only enemies are in your mind.

How To Be True To Yourself (Even When Your Life's A Mess)

If you listen inward you will hear a voice that calls you.

If you take the time to listen, you will hear the love and wisdom of that voice.

This is the voice of your higher nature, your soul/spirit, your intuitive knowing. This kind voice is calling you to be yourself. (Note: If the voice is not “kind” it is the voice of your ego-mind, be aware the ego’s agenda is very different and may have gotten you into the mess you are in.)