one family

The Undeniable Truth: One Planet = One Family

Most of the time we hardly notice how busy the mind is a categorizing, profiling, and judging others. The moment we walk into a room of people the judging machine called our mind goes to work. This is the work of the ego sorting everyone under the falsehood of keeping us safe.

About 95% of our judging has nothing to do with safety and is more about habit and the ego’s need to try to have power and control over others. On a global level we could even say all conflicts within, with others, between beliefs/factions and including wars are started within the judging mind. 

The ego-mind is the source of the biggest lie ever spread through humanity. This lie is that we are different because of our beliefs, our color, our politics, our national boundaries and whatever other artificial separation we have manufactured.

The real truth is we are one big human family on a planet we have named Earth.