
Why Being Is More Powerful Than Doing

First a quick summary: You may have noticed that I often revisit ideas. I do that for several reasons:

1.         I have discovered that my own journey towards self-realization benefits from looking at ideas and concepts from variety of perspectives. I suspect that is true for you.

2.         Reminders seem very helpful in these times filled with such distractions.  I am curious what you need to be reminded about as you move towards your highest expression? Please leave comments below.

3.         I find that every time I read something I resonate with, I expand in my awareness; I open to a greater understanding. At this blog I explore timely issues for each of us on a path of awakening. What kinds of ideas resonate with you? Comments welcomed.

I hope you find this summary helpful and a good-lead-in to one of my favorite themes – Being and Doing.

Six Life Changing Insights You Can Use Today

Over the last few months I have been sharing ideas with you that I find words inadequate in expressing. This writing challenge is tied to ongoing seismic shifting of my inner sense of self and the world.

At this point in my life I’ve committed to leaving a lifetime of programming behind. Now I am on a personal journey of deepening awareness, expanding compassion and realizing the highest levels of potential and expression.

Recently I’ve had a number of insights that have been very helpful. My hope is you can join me in exploring these higher levels of knowing.

My first insight is why joy matters.

The Possibilities In You Are Endless.

How can you get out of your own way and remove the inner barriers to explore all that is possible?

What would you life be like if you allowed the following truths about you to become fully realized?

You are:

Pure awareness

A bright light

Unconditional, endless love

Infinite and eternal

Pure presence

In unity with all of life

A soul having a human experience

Stillness and peace

Bliss waiting to be experienced

Joy and happiness

Grace waiting to be expressed

One with the Source

Free to be anything you want

One with beauty of nature

The expanding universe

Compassion for all

A difference maker

Acceptance and appreciation

How do you realize these true qualities of your nature as a human being?

Sit is stillness and be guided.