
You Are Awesome – Let Me Count The Ways

It is time for a hugely important reminder. You are awesome!!!

You might wonder, ”How can I say that?” You might want to hide at the hint of such an idea. Or you might say, “Thank You, I so much needed this reminder?” 

Here’s why I have such a high opinion of you:

Do You Want To Continue Your Story Or Move Toward A Larger Possibility

What do you tell yourself about who you are and what your life if about? That is your story. How does your story limit you?

Like computers, you have a set of basic programs that run your life. Many of your programs contain out-of-date stories that too often limit how well you function.

Much of your earliest programming needs serious upgrading. Yet you continue daily to replay that programming with your thoughts.

These programs can be upgraded to expand your life.

By the time we reach adulthood we have very deeply grooved programs about:

How Jon Morrow and Johnny B Truant Helped Liberate My Entrepreneurial Spirit

It happened quite by synchronistic accident. As I was checking my emails while wandering down the hall of misdirection and ineffectiveness, a passing note caught my eye. I stopped and without a moments hesitation, knew that this is just what I needed – An online Bootcamp for Bloggers. I have come to trust my intuition and this time it was jumping up and down on the sidelines of my mind cheering me on. 

By my nature I am a seeker. I love learning and awareness.  When the light goes on I’m elated to see the world painted with the freshness of good ideas.

Jon Morrow and Johnny B Truant are entrepreneurial gurus