Do You Want More Joy?

It is the beginning of another week of summer.  Are you having fun yet?  This is the time of year where most people take a vacation or spend more time playing and enjoying life.  What’s going on that too many people have gotten way too serious about life and have forgotten how to play and have fun?  Sure there are things to be concerned about, to keep our focus on, to follow through on.  That however must not get in the way of enjoying the moment.  Life is to short to be so serious all the time.  Our nature is joyous and alive.  

The following are some ideas to bring more joy to each moment:

•    Slow down enough to be present
•    Notice your breath throughout the day and expand it
•    Daily take lots of little breaks and enjoy the gift of life
•    Take time to listen inward to your higher self
•    Enjoy the company of others
•    Accept and appreciate yourself and others
•    Explore areas of interest for yourself
•    Express yourself creatively
•    Act with compassion toward self and others
•    Listen to more music
•    Set time aside for playing
•    Explore how we are all connected
•    Take a vacation that is really enjoyable
•    Stop doing things out of obligation unless you make it fun
•    Visit places you have wanted to see
•    Enjoy the company of friends
•    Walk in nature and listen, smell, breathe and enjoy
•    Have an open heart with whatever you do
•    Express your sense of humor and laugh often
•    Smile even in a traffic jam
•    Be open to higher states of consciousness
•    Spend time in contemplation
•    Find a new job if the one you have is no fun
•    Drop all the limited beliefs that stop your joy
•    Enjoy the journey instead of waiting for the destination
•    Watch more funny movies
•    Get a pet and play with them
•    Be grateful for each breath and for each day
•    Express your potential in every way you can
•    Relax your shoulder and release any tension
•    Get a massage or other healing body work
•    Let your light shine
•    Spread joy and love wherever you go

Use these ideas to have fun, to feel joy and to light up the world with the human possibilities that you are.