U.S. History 6/10/08: 35 Article of Impeachment Introduced

Thirty-Five Articles of Impeachment were introduced into Congress today.  If you take the time to read the Articles, you will be upset that Congress has sat by for so long and not held this administration accountable.  See the Articles spelled out at: http://chun.afterdowningstreet.org/amomentoftruth.pdf    To be an informed voter I feel it is essential that you read these Articles so that together we prevent this kind of neglect of duty to our nation for now and in the future.  

This is a very important moment in history.  The rights of the people and the greatness of the nation depend on how we respond to this and the mess our leadership has gotten our once great country into.  These article are long overdue and all citizens are needed to encourage the pursuit of truth.  

This truth seeking is not only for the good of the nation but also for the good of the planet and for each of us that must find our way to our own truth.  That is the journey of adulthood, finding our own way, seeking understanding and the higher wisdom of truth and consciousness.  It can be mess this search but it is well worth it because we all become stronger by the challenges we face.   

If you feel so moved be sure and send or call your congressional representatives and let them know you support the seeking of truth by these 35 Articles.   That way you can request for them to do their job and be held accountable to the people.  The time is now to get this country back on track.  This is about us all stepping up to our own power, following our purpose to make a difference and being guided by service to our nation and to our fellow humankind.