Thank You Universe

Today will make three days in row of training.  Wednesday was about cultural diversity and yesterday and today the training is called Bridges Out Of Poverty.  Boulder county, where I work, has a progressive government concerned about all the people who live here and is looking at ways to help those in poverty move into a better life.  This training has provided me with lots of ideas and information and I feel grateful to have been chosen for this.  

If people really could learn to see beyond their limiting ideas and thoughts the world would be a better place.  We all have misperceptions of those that struggle to make it.  In that state of chaos there is very little time to move forward because you are so busy surviving.  Compassion and supportive services can make a positive difference.  

These days of training got me thinking about how grateful I am to have what I have.  I am blessed to have a steady income, the creative influences that bring about this blog on a daily basis.  My wonderful wife and our great dog Pax are amazing gifts in my life.  The house we live in is nice.  The people I work with are enjoyable and professional.  Boulder is a beautiful place to live and filled with trails for biking and running.  I have food to eat and mostly what I want.  When I compare what I have to the many people we provide service too, I know I have much to be thankful for.  

In this moment what are you grateful for in your life?  Gratitude is a great way to bring together your self with your Higher Self.  When you and I feel gratitude we raise our vibrations and things become more available to us.  Today if you feel down in any way, if your energy fades, take some time to remember what you have and feel thankful.  Feelings of gratitude can take you very high and set your free in ways that will truly enrich your life.

Hope your Friday is a good one.